Blog > New Year's Resolutions > How Many Resolutions Should You Set?
Indeed one can universalise the experience of opting for relatively few New Year resolutions. The problem with having multiple goals is that they may swamp you and dilute your chances of actually achieving them. It is better to choose 1 to 3 resolutions for better success rate according to the experts. This is why or how you can share out the resolutions to get to the right number for you.
If a person is trying to achieve several objectives at the same time, the general goal can raise confusion and can also cause the person to get annoyed easily.
It is better to set decision makers right rather than have scores of right decisions on wrong parameters.
A successful promise made can be motivating to make good on other promises.
Determine what aspects of your life you wish to develop most, say, physical, fiscal, or social.
One important question to ask yourself regards the time, effort, and monies you can afford to devote to your resolutions.
The key is to choose resolution that are in line with ones’ principles and one’s vision.
If you set more than one New Year’s resolution, try to achieve moderation in all aspects of your life.
Track the progress and celebrate successes with an app, for instance Fix My Life AI or using apps like Strides.
Subdivide every resolution into the most basic achievable goal.
Example: In case of a savings goal, record from where you get your savings weekly to foster consistency.
Reward yourself every time in order to be conscious of special accomplishments, no matter how small.
It may be necessary to revise your goals due to some conditions changing somewhere along the line.
Fix My Life AI simplifies goal-setting and helps you stay focused:
There is no definite answer to how many resolutions one should make, but having 1-3 towards which a person fully directs himself or herself is considered desirable. When a person’s goals and objectives are in harmony this way, change is possible without experiencing stress as everyone’s great aims align with their goals appropriately and daily expectations are managed sensibly and proportionately while monitoring is organized systematically.
Fix My Life AI is here to help you start making those changes today to make 2025 your best year yet – START WITH YOUR RESOLUTIONS!