Blog > New Year's Resolutions > Is “New Year’s Resolution” Capitalized In Spelling?

Is “New Year’s Resolution” Capitalized In Spelling?

Author Name: Atkia Sadia
Is “New Year’s Resolution” Capitalized In Spelling?

Is New Year’s Resolution capitalized?

When talking about the tradition of setting New Year’s goals – the phrase ‘New Year’s Resolution’ can be capitalized. Here is a guide on when, and why, it should and shouldn’t be capitalized.


Do you capitalize New Year’s Resolution?

Is “New Year’s Resolution” Capitalized In Spelling - Do you capitalize New Year’s Resolution

1. As a Proper Noun

Rule: Use “New Year’s Resolution” capitalized when it pertains to the tradition associated with New Year’s holiday.

Example: “I will exercise regularly for my New Year’s Resolution.”

Why: Since New Year is a proper noun for the holiday and Resolution is part of the whole sentence, it is capitalized.


2. In Titles and Headlines
  • Rule: Title case rules should apply to use capitalize ‘New Year’s Resolution’ in titles or headlines.
  • Example: “The top New Year’s Resolution ideas for 2025”
  • Why: Title case means that all significant words — nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives — are capitalized.


If You Don’t Want to Capitalize “New Year’s Resolution”

Is “New Year’s Resolution” Capitalized In Spelling - If You Don’t Want to Capitalize “New Year’s Resolution”

1. Use without reference to a specific geography.
  • Rule: When referring to the formal tradition it should be capitalized, but otherwise lowercase usage is fine.
  • Example: “I’ll do a new year’s resolution of eating healthier.”
  • Why: New year’s is not associated with the actual holiday, and resolution isn’t used restrictively.


2. Casual Writing
  • Rule: It’s fine in informal contexts, lowercase.
  • Example: “It’s a good way to stay motivated. Making new year’s resolutions.”


Style Tips

1. For Formal Writing

In formal or published writing, never skip to capitalize “New Year’s resolution” on New Year’s Day.

2. For Informal Writing

Casual or generic contexts are fine with lowercase usage.


How Fix My Life AI Can Help

  • Fix My Life AI provides tools to make writing and goal-setting easier:
  • Goal Templates: Make sure your New Year’s Resolutions are doable and structured.
  • Progress Tracking: Be consistent and watch your milestones.
  • Vision Boards: Make a visualization of your goals to give more motivation.

To create and track your resolutions more effectively, visit Fix My Life AI.



In most cases, the term “New Year’s Resolution” should be capitalized, because usually it is a reference to the formal concept behind the holiday. Use only lowercase for informal or generic contexts. If you aren’t sure, just cap it so your writing makes sense and remains uniform.



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