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New Year’s Resolution Examples for Kids

Author Name: Atkia Sadia
New Year’s Resolution Examples for Kids

The Examples of New Year’s Resolution for Kids.

The New Year is the perfect time to teach children about the importance of setting goals, improving on yourself, and accountability and responsibility. Whether it’s visualizing more success in the next race or really pushing themselves to achieve more strength in the next workout, kids can learn early on to focus on what they are doing well and grow in confidence as they accomplish their goals.

Kids New Year’s resolution ideas guide with tips and tricks for making them fun and inspiring for the young ones.


Why kids should have new year’s resolutions?

Setting resolutions helps kids:

  • Learn Responsibility: It helps develop the understanding of the value to commitment and follow thru.
  • Build Confidence: They will feel a sense of achievement when they meet their goals.
  • Develop Positive Habits: Construct routines that are health promoting, learning and kind.
  • Improve Focus: Morality will say, teach them how to prioritize and walk towards something meaningful.

Tools like Fix My Life AI allow families to create goals together, manage and track progress.


List of 15 New Year’s Resolution Examples for Kids

1. Healthy Habits

New Year’s Resolution Examples for Kids - Healthy Habits

Challenge kids to start moving towards a healthier, fitter future.


  • Reason #2: Eat one vegetable with dinner every night.
  • Don’t drink sugary drinks during the meals.
  • Play or exercise 30 minutes outside each day.
  • Brush their teeth twice a day without a reminder.


2. Learning and Education

Academic and personal resolutions help kids to understand to what learning is all about.


  • Read one new book a month.
  • Practice math or spelling 15 minutes a day.
  • Try a new hobby like painting, coding, writing a novel or starting to play some instrument.
  • Write something down – thoughts, stories, or draw.


3. Acts of Kindness

Resolutions to teach kids about helping others is a great way to teach kids the value of being kind.


  • Try to do one good deed each week, such as helping a sibling or donating toys.
  • Say thank you and please more often.
  • Every day compliment a friend or family member.
  • Work with a parent at a local shelter or community event.


4. More importantly, strategic planning of organization and responsibility is required.

Teach kids to use organizational skills and take good care of their items.


  • Pick up toys and put them away after playtime.
  • The child doesn’t have to be asked to pack their school bag the night before etc.
  • One household chore each day (set the table, feed a pet).
  • It’s a good idea to keep a room tidy by organizing it once a month.


5. Family Time

New Year’s Resolution Examples for Kids - Family Time

They are resolutions that encourage you to spend more quality time with your family and that will help strengthen those relationships that we already have.


  • Once a week play a board game or read a story to a family member.
  • Once a week, help cook time cooking a meal with a parent or sibling.
  • Have family screen free evening once a week to talk, play or do an activity together.


6. Friendship and Social Skills

Encourage kids to make and maintain positive relations with friends and classmates.


  • Make one of your friends at school.
  • Have you shared a bunch of toys with a friend at recess or snacks?
  • Thank a teacher or friend with a thank you note.
  • Forgive others when they make a mistake, and they apologize when they do.


7. Creativity and Exploration

Creativity promotes kids’ expression and encourages trying new things.


  • Every week, draw something new or color it.
  • Why not try a craft activity such as making bracelets or building a model.
  • Find out about a favorite animal or place then teach some fun facts to the family.
  • Ask the children to create a family vision board by drawing an image of their dreams.


Some tips for helping kids stick to their resolutions.

  1. Keep Resolutions Simple: Choose your goals in a way that’s achievable and specific.
  2. Make It Fun: Motivate them with activities or rewards.
  3. Set an Example: Work with your family to share in your resolutions.
  4. Track Progress: A chart or an app like Fix My Life AI allows you to visualize achievements.
  5. Celebrate Success: Give kids a treat or outing for meeting their goals.


How Fix My Life AI Can Help

Fix My Life AI is a great resource for helping families set and track New Year’s resolutions:

  • Customizable Templates: Organize goals in a kid friendly manner.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitor milestones by using visual dashboards.
  • Motivational Tools: Add addition and affirmations to find a reasoning for the kid to remain engaged.
  • Family Collaboration: To resolve issues we work together as a team.



Regardless of your faith, setting New Year’s resolutions is a fun and educational way to help kids learn responsibility, build confidence and develop positive habits. If we focus on achievable, age appropriate goals, kids are able to enjoy the satisfaction of reaching a goal.

With Fix My Life AI, starting today, start planning your child’s resolutions with them now that are simple, but entertaining and rewarding. If you’re reading this together, we can help you make 2025 into a year of growth, kindness, and success!



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